Freitag, 25. September 2015

Picture Perfect

Hello, my lovely readers,
i hope you are fine and that autumn in your countries is as beautiful as it turns to be here in middle europe - at least it is beautiful on sunny days.
Autumn is my favourite time to write because the nature gives me the most inspiration and well, since i am in Aachen to begin my studies in biology, i get many inspiration from there too.
Aachen, the favourite town of Karl the Great is a very important town when it comes to the german as well as the european history and as a history freak i simply love it here.
Anyways, i begun yet another fanfiction with an historical background but you can find it on and it is too dark for my mood on this blog i guess.
So i'll just leave it with this short little information, yet another new poem of mine (in german xD) and a new pic.
I hope you are well,

love ya,

PS: By the way, you surely have instagram, don't ya? Mind is luisas_heart if anyone is interested in knowing this <3


Blind ist keine Dunkelheit,
Blind ist keine Schwärze,
Denn vielleicht, spürt man dann die Wärme,

Wärme des Herzens,
Wärme der Seele,
Wärme des Menschens

Wärme der Winde,
Wärme der Sonne
Wärme. Wärme, Wärme

Denn die Kälte lauert,
An allen Ecken,
In jeder Ritze
wird sie sich verstecken

Doch die Sonne deines Herzens
Kämpft für mich,
Die Sonne meines Herzens,
Kämpft für dich

Donnerstag, 3. September 2015

The petals of summer

Flying Summer

With this, I'd like to present you the beginning of my latest short story, called 'Flying Summer'.
It's about a pixie girl that lived by a human family for five years and wakes up in a forest nearby without any memories just to find out that she is one of the last pixies in the woods and is destinied to safe the forest. Though she's still young and doesn't know any of her own powers at all...

Clarice had always loved the summer, especially those days when the air was all clean. Especially those nights when one could see really every little star on the dark blue midnightsky.
It was her first memory, the moon, the stars, soft grass beneath her, trees around her. Her first memory when she had awoken in the woods – just a child, not more than four years on earth – and all on her own.
It should have been a reason to cry – to cry for help or just to cry in angony but she stayed all quiet. It had been an instinct that made her lay still in the grass, her crystal eyes on the sky above her. Rainbows had appeared in front of her – rainbows that directly pierced through her eyes into her soul and changed the colour of the blue eyes – changed not only her appearance but also her way of thinking – not like the human child she was.
In this night she had become what she was by now – a fairy of the forest – a spirit of nature, a flying flower, full of grace.
First it had been a lonely life – and she was confused by all of those new things around her – of course she had been in the forest before, after all she had lived for four years as the daughter of two normal humans – but she didn't remember anything.
She had been kidnapped by fairys in that night – because she wasn't a normal child after all. The real daughter of her parents had been brought away a few hours after she had been born – and in exchange they had received Clarice, a fairy whose powers had been set on standby.
And this night had become the day of her awakening.

The world became a whole new place for her, a beautiful yet a dangerous place because she didn't know anything. Everything she did in that night was influenced by her instincts – how she sat there and just sat there for one, two, three hours, how she made her way through the chaotic mass of plants and grass and trees to search for water, how she listened for the sound of a small, streaming river that devided the forest in two parts, how she sniffed for the smell of food – just to find the sweetest strawberries the nature could give her, right next to the crystal clear water.
But in all this beauty there was something wrong, something that made her feel strange, that made her fear for her surroundings and herself too. She didn't know what it was, she couldn't say it, she could just feel it. The leafs that shone like jade stones in the silver light of the full moon and were reflected in the river seemed lively, didn't they? There was a thin white layer on the backsite of one of those leafs that couldn't be seen by a human's eyes but also not by those of the little pixie girl.
Clarice stood under the trees - the trees of the forest which suffered from an illness, a disease they couldn't fight on there own. And the fairies, the pixies that used to protect them from those dark shadows which killed them slowly, were gone.

Donnerstag, 27. August 2015

A whole new world is waiting

Another apology

Oh wow, i can't believe it! It has been such a long time and i want to say sorry for my long absence - i didn't mean to leave you alone for so many months - but well, it means that i have many, many things to tell you - about me and how my view on the world has changed for me.

A few months ago, one anonymic guest on this little blog told me that i would just be another one of those teenage girls who long for Attention with their pitiful little stories.
But that, my dear ones, isn't true at all.
Yes, i am very happy that so, so many of you are visiting this website and yes, i am proud that you are looking at it and maybe read a few of my poems, a few of my short stories, a few drabbels of mine. I am proud and i am lucky but i am not addicted and i am not pitiful.

Now, let's stop the rage about those people who say such things - after all this is just a blog to share my thoughts, my fantasy, my stories with you. Stories which maybe bring tears to your eyes or a smile on your lips.

It's been a little more than half of a year that i have fallen in love.
An undying, strong love - not an easy and yet a perfect love. I live in a beautiful, chaotic, wonderful relationsship - though the last months were more than just a bit stressful - i made my final graduations, i finished school, i enrolled at the RWTH - an University in Aachen to study biology and so my time is going to become very limitated in a month.

I am happy to live here, that i found a cute little flat and all of it.
And finally i gathered the motivation and inspiration to write again.
I can present you today two of my newest poems - in german - though i also attempt to write english poems again and i started a new short Story calles 'Flying summer' - maybe i will also study Anglistik next year, who nows.
But well, here they are!


Ich warte
Auf einen Stern
Mich fortzutragen
Auf Lichterschwingen in
Zu befreien von
Grauen Straßenecken und
Düsteren Worten


Bunte Blätter, smaragdgrün,
feurig fallend,
Die Blumen verglühn'

Rehaugen glitzern,
Der letzte Wind weht,
Die Eisblumen schmelzen,
Der Winter vergeht,

Dann werde ich frei sein,
Dann werde ich stark,
Dann werde ich fliegen,
soweit ich vermag